Newly appointed Fifth Ward City Councilwoman Kelsey Heck spoke to WKHM about her appointment, and that path to get there.

We spoke first about why her name was absent from the first round of applicants. “The first time around I thought about it, I talked to some friends and family about it, and I ultimately am a pretty introverted person. I don’t really love public speaking, and I don’t particularly enjoy seeing my name in the paper, and I was worried my age would be a problem; people would call into question that I was too young.” Heck said.

Heck also, when asked about her priorities as a councilperson, said, “I wanted to help out the folks in the Fifth Ward, my neighbors, with some pretty serious problems. The Fifth Ward faces poverty at a higher rate than most of the city, voter engagement and turnout is lower here than pretty much anywhere else. I think that’s indicative people not feeling connected to city, not feeling like what they have to say matters to anyone at City Hall, so it doesn’t even matter that they show up. I want to be a better representative than that. I want people to feel engaged and feel like that if they come to city hall or they talk to me, something will get done.”

One of the biggest criticisms are the claims that she will simply rubber-stamp a specific agenda. Heck states that she has no interest in political arguments, but will be moved by the will of the people who she represents. “I have a set of values and beliefs; I think I have a pretty good idea of what is right and what is wrong.” Heck said. “I’m not going to be moved by political arguments or allegiances. I want to do what people in this ward want the city to do for them; I want to do what’s best. I’m going to do that first and foremost above all else.”

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